Constable - (John Constable)

84 obras encontradas

40.10 - Siglos XVII/ XVIII. Clasicismo. Neoclasicismo/Romanticismo - 18.20.20 - Paisajes y Vistas

La abadía de Westminster y el palacio Lambeth

40.20 - Siglos XIX y XX. Neoclasicismo/Romanticismo - 19.10.10 - Paisajes y Vistas

A boat passing a lock

A cottage lane at Langham (Sketch for the Glebe farm)

Arundel Mill and Castle

Barges on the Stout at flatford lock

Boat Building Near Flatford Mill

Brighton beach with colliers

Chain Pier, Brighton

Cloud study


Deaham Vale with ploughmen (ploughing scene in Suffolk)

Dedham Mill

Dedham Vale

Dedham Vale

Dedham Vale: Morning

Documentos 1 a 15 de 84