Bellows - (George Wesley Bellows)

53 obras encontradas

70.20 - Siglo XX. Vanguardias Históricas/Realismo - 19.50.90 - Paisajes y Vistas

A Morning Snow-Hudson River

Blue Snow, The Battery

New York

Rain on the River

Romance of Criehaven

The freeighter, monhegan, maine and breeze

The Harbor, Monhegan Coast, Maine

The Lone Tenement

The White Fence

The White Horse

Up the Hudson

70.20 - Siglo XX. Vanguardias Históricas/Realismo - 19.55.10 - Interiores y Costumbres

A Day in June

Blue Morning

Dance in a Madhouse

Love of Winter

Documentos 1 a 15 de 53