Emil Nolde - (Emil Hansen)
141 obras encontradas
60.10 - Siglo XIX. Impresionismo - 19.20.30 - Mar y Barcos
Light Sea-Mood
60.80 - Siglo XX. Vanguardias Históricas/Expresionismo - 19.40.95 - Paisajes y Vistas
"The Great Gardener"
Atardecer de otoño
Autumn Sea VII
Blue Sea (Sailboat and Two Steamships)
Blue Sea (Two Brown Sails)
Blue Sea and Red Clouds
Blue-green Sea with Steamer
Brown Mountain on a Lake
Dark Landscape (North Friesland)
Dark Mountain Landscape
Dark Sea (Green Sky)
Dark Sea with Brown Sky
Farmstead under Red Evening
Green Landscape with Red Colud