Menzel - (Adolph von Menzel)

69 obras encontradas

50.10 - Siglo XIX. Realismo - 19.10.70 - Retratos

Costume Study of a Seated Woman, Menzel´s Sister, Emilie

Head of a Peasant with Three-Cornered Hat

Memory of Swinemünde

Portrait of Frau Maercker

The Allegiance of the Silesian Diet before Frederick II in Breslau

The Artist's Sister with a Candle

50.10 - Siglo XIX. Realismo - 19.10.73 - Paisajes y Vistas

Moonlight on the Friedrichskanal in Old Berlin

Rear of House and Backyard

The Back Garden

The Berlin-Potsdam Railway

The Palace Garden of Prince Albert

View from a Window in the Marienstrasse

50.10 - Siglo XIX. Realismo - 19.10.75 - Paisaje urbano

Berlin Tenements in the Snow

La Estación de Ferrocarril de Anhalter bajo la luz de la luna

Galería de Arte Ferroviario

50.10 - Siglo XIX. Realismo - 19.10.78 - Interiores

Lady Reading at the Fireplace

Documentos 1 a 15 de 69