Metsu - (Gabriel Metsu)

26 obras encontradas

30.10 - Siglos XVI y XVII. Barroco - 17.40.10 - Escuela holandesa. Retratos

Burgomaster Gillis Valckenier and His Family

La cocinera

La Dame et le chasseur

La niña enferma

The Busy Cook

The lazy Tippler

Woman Playing the Viola da Gamba

30.10 - Siglos XVI y XVII. Barroco - 17.40.50 - Escuela holandesa. Costumbres e Historia

A Woman at her Mirror

A Woman Seated at a Table and a Man Tuning a Violin

An Old Woman Asleep

An Old Woman selling Fish


Poultry Seller

The Feast of the Bean King

The Intruder

Documentos 1 a 15 de 26