Delaroche - (Paul Delaroche)

20 obras encontradas

40.20 - Siglos XIX y XX. Neoclasicismo/Romanticismo - 19.10.20 - Religión

The Conversion of S.Mary Magdalene

The Temptation of S.Anthony

The Virgin and Child

40.20 - Siglos XIX y XX. Neoclasicismo/Romanticismo - 19.10.30 - Costumbres

Cardinal Mazarin's Last Sickness


The State Barge of Cardinal Richelieu

40.20 - Siglos XIX y XX. Neoclasicismo/Romanticismo - 19.10.35 - Historia

Death of Elizabeth

Joan of Arc in Prison

La Ejecución de Lady Jane Grey

Napolean Crossing the Alps

The Death of the duc de Guise

The Murder of the Duke of Guise

40.20 - Siglos XIX y XX. Neoclasicismo/Romanticismo - 19.10.40 - Retratos

A Child learning to Read

Charles de Rémusat

Childhood of Pico della Mirandola

Documentos 1 a 15 de 20