Cuyp - (Aelbert Jacobsz Cuyp)

135 obras encontradas

30.10 - Siglos XVI y XVII. Barroco - 17.40.10 - Escuela holandesa. Retratos

A Milkmaid

Cattle and Herders, with Mariakerk, Utrecht

Lady and Gentleman on Horseback

Michiel and Cornelis Pompe van Meerdervoort with Their ...

Portrait of a Man with a Rifle

Portrait of a Twenty-Nine-Year-Old Man

Portrait of a Twenty-Three-Year-Old Woman

Portrait of a Woman Aged Twenty-One, as a Hunter

Shepherd with a Staff

30.10 - Siglos XVI y XVII. Barroco - 17.40.20 - Escuela holandesa. Religión

Conversion of Saul

Flight into Egypt

The Baptism if the Eunuch

The Baptism of the Eunuch

30.10 - Siglos XVI y XVII. Barroco - 17.40.30 - Escuela holandesa. Mitología y Alegorías

Orpheus Charming the Animals

30.10 - Siglos XVI y XVII. Barroco - 17.40.40 - Escuela holandesa. Paisajes y Vistas

A Boat

Documentos 1 a 15 de 135