Pietersz Berchem - (Nicolaes Pietersz Berchem)

10 obras encontradas

30.10 - Siglos XVI y XVII. Barroco - 17.40.40 - Escuela holandesa. Paisajes y Vistas

Paisaje italiano con un puente

Return from the Falcon Hunt

30.10 - Siglos XVI y XVII. Barroco - 17.40.50 - Escuela holandesa. Costumbres e Historia

A Southern Harbour Scene

Italian Landscape at Sunset

Landscape with Jacob, Rachel, and Leah

Merchant Receiving a Moor in the Harbour

Peasants with Cattle by a Ruined Aqueduct

Rocky Landscape with Antique Ruins

30.10 - Siglos XVI y XVII. Barroco - 17.40.65 - Escuela holandesa. Animales

Animal Study

Landscape with Two Horses