Bakst - (León Bakst)

30 obras encontradas

60.30 - Siglos XIX y XX. Simbolismo - 19.30.70 - Interiores

Décor for the Set of Act I: The First Mansion, La Cour...

60.30 - Siglos XIX y XX. Simbolismo - 19.30.95 - Mitología y Alegorías


Terror antiquus

60.60 - Siglos XIX y XX. Modernismo - 19.35.90 - Costumbres e Interiores

Projet de costume pour une odalisque du ballet Shéhérazade

60.60 - Siglos XIX y XX. Modernismo - 19.40.30 - Mitología y Alegorías

Coppelius y Coppelia

60.60 - Siglos XIX y XX. Modernismo - 19.40.35 - Bocetos y Dibujos

Décor for the Curtain for the Beginning of Act I

Design for a Masquerade Costume for Mr. Kharitonenko

Design for Henri Rollan's M. Gabrio's and M....

Design for Ida Rubinstein's Costume for Act IV

Design for M. Desjardins'Costume as Theseus

Design for Mille. Sylvie's Costume as Hipponoé, the...

Design for Nathalie Trouhanova's Costume as La Péri

Design for Scene 4: The Awakening

Design for the Costume for Cantalbutte, Master of...

Design for the Costume for the Gypsy Fortune Teller

Documentos 1 a 15 de 30