Sol LeWitt - (Sol LeWitt)

326 obras encontradas

80.00 - Siglo XX. Transvanguardia/Abstracción - 19.70.45 - Espacialismo

Horizontal lines, not straight, not touching, on color

Lines in four direction on color

Scribbles on color

White over colors

80.00 - Siglo XX. Transvanguardia/Abstracción - 19.70.55 - Arte Neo-Concreto

Black over colors

Irregular shape, black over colors

Irregular shape, black over colors

Irregular shape, black over colors

Irregular shape, black over colors

Irregular shape, dark green over colors

80.00 - Siglo XX. Transvanguardia/Abstracción - 19.70.60 - Op. Art /Arte Cinético

A circle divided into eight equal parts

A dark square on a light square and vice versa

A dark square on a light square and vice versa

A square divided horizontally and vertically into four equal parts, each with

A square within a square with alternating black and gray parallel gands of lines

Documentos 1 a 15 de 326